Micro Loans macro impacts
MyFi cultivates financial independence across the globe by providing microloans, intimate financial guidance, and credit to entrepreneurs in the developing world. We provide loans to fractured small businesses with 5 or fewer employees in Central America, the Caribbean, and Africa. We solely invest our capital into game-changing commodities which enable the growth and viability of small businesses. Following loan repayments, our borrowers receive credit with MyFi and are placed on rigorous repayment plans. All loan interest is reintroduced into our fund, creating a self-sufficient capital stream.
The Problem we aim to solve
In many developing countries, access to stable loans and financial guidance is nonexistent. In partnership with nonprofit organizations that work closely with these communities, MyFi lends micro-loans that are specifically invested in “game changers” (items that are the nexus of sustaining our clients' businesses). Our main goal as a lending group is to establish credit with our loanees in order to foster their financial independence.